Luna: Our Baby With A Giant Birthmark | BORN DIFFERENT

4 years ago

PARENTS of a toddler who was born with a unique facial nevus have been told she looks like a superhero. One-year-old Luna Fenner was born with a giant nevus covering most of her face, that runs the risk of turning cancerous. Luna’s mother, Carolina, had a normal pregnancy and birth and wasn’t aware of her daughter’s condition until she was born. Although they initially felt shock and concern for their daughter, Carolina and her husband, Thiago, soon realised Luna is just as special and beautiful as anyone else. Luna’s nevus, a dark-coloured, hairy patch of skin which covers both her cheeks and eyebrows, is in the process of being removed due to fears it could become malignant. Carolina and Thiago decided Luna would have surgery in Russia, after finding a surgeon who could help Luna there. On their first trip to Russia, Luna had her forehead and part of her eyes treated on. The next visit, they stayed for six months and had her nose and other parts of her eyes worked on. Now, Luna and Carolina are in Russia for more surgery. Until Luna’s nevus is fully removed, the toddler has to be incredibly careful in the sunlight for the risk of advancing cancerous cells. The nevus doesn’t hurt Luna nor does Carolina think she notices anything different about herself. “She’s a super happy girl and active all the time playing and dancing."

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