The head of Indonesia People's Deliberative Assembly Has a Young White Lion From Africa

3 years ago

Jakarta, Indonesia.

The head of Indonesia People's Deliberative Assembly
'Bambang Soesatyo' has a white lion from South Africa who is named Simba.

Bamsoet, as Bambang is often called, said that the white lion who was still a child was brought from South Africa. The animal is in the F2 category, so when Simba enters Indonesia, he must immediately be quarantined and then handed over to the owner alias the breeder.

"Simba entered Indonesia at the age of 2 months. Entered quarantine for 2 weeks to be vaccinated with various kinds at BKSDA. After it is safe, it will be handed over to us as breeders," said Bambang Soesatyo, Sunday, September 27 2020.

What is interesting is that Bamsoet is also circulating in the video that looks happy to have a chat with Simba. Although occasionally Simba made surprising stunts.

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