The day Ruth Ginsburg died ... Roe vs Wade is now in play

4 years ago

The day was 19th of September. 19/9/2020. A day not remembered by its elegance… but by its potential. This was the day I found out that Ruth Ginsburg died. A day that will go down in history as marking the beginning one the end a long liberal legacy that has plagued the supreme court of America. A supreme court whose rulings not only affect those in the United States that come under the jurisdiction of its highest court…. but a court whose rulings ripple around the globe affecting all English speaking countries in one way or another.

Today is the day that marks a new era. An era carved by the most unlikeliest hero…. a brash businessman know by his hot headedness and ego. An era that sees the re-establishment of constitutional law and of the respect of life. An era not diminished by activism and progressive judicial decision making but the just application of principles that laid the foundation of western civilisation and found its fullness in the American legend; of private ownership, of equal justice under the law, and of individual freedom and liberty.

It is a day ushering in a time of celebration …. and that may pave the way for the striking down of the most heinous supreme court decision made in the modern era…. the Roe vs Wade decision that opened the floodgates of hell onto Western civilization. It legalised abortion…the unjustified taking of a life from within the womb. This wide open gate, has a key, and that key is found deep within the bowels of the supreme court. The freedom and liberty for that child to live in peace is enshrined within the human consciousness that streamed through the American founding fathers.

The potential for stopping the needless slaughter of millions of innocent lives has never been more palpable. and the just reward for such an action has the ability to draw America into a new age of prosperity. and with it draw the rest of the Western world into decades of benefit.

It was also the day that an old prophecy became fulfilled. A prophecy of the enigmatic prophet Mark Taylor… in two prophecies he predicted Trump would nominate three Supreme court justices and then five Supreme court justices….. this has widely been interpreted as three for the first term of Trump (that is Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and now, most probably Amy Barrett.) followed by two in his second term. If so Trump will literally pack the supreme court with justices who are pro-life and would certainly reconsider the travesty which was and remains …. Roe vs Wade.

Let us read them: “The spirit of God says the supreme court shall lose three and my president shall pick new ones directly from my tree. Are you still not convinced that he’s my annointed, and that he’s the appointed. Why no one figure it out, the news media, the people, and the so called wise…. Why, when he’s attacked, do his poll numbers rise? Those who attack him, their numbers fo low. It’s simple to see, this man I have appointed, for in my word, is your answer, I said do not touch my anointed. It will be a warning to all especially to those who will not listen.

The second reads:
The Spirit of God says, "5, that's right, 5 Supreme Court Justices will be appointed by my new president, my anointed. I will choose 5 through my anointed to keep those alive. I will stack the court with those that I choose, to send a clear message to the enemy, that you lose! This is the miracle that I will perform, so that MY COURT will be reformed."
The Spirit of God says, "The cries, the cries that I have heard from the womb, have reached my eyes and ears like a sonic boom! The five I appoint and the reform that shall take place, the great I AM shall take on this case! For it is my will and my way for all those that have prayed, that MY COURT SHALL OVERTURN ROE VS WADE!

If this prophecy is true… and certainly the past seems to prove the future here…. Roe v Wade will be overturned after the nomination of five supreme court justices..

May the Lord bless and protect the man who ushers in this age of protection for those who cannot protect themselves.

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