SOUTH AFRICA - Cape Town - Coronavirus - Tygerberg Hospital COVID-19 Triage Test Facility (Video) (zNT)

4 years ago

South Africa - Cape Town - 26 May 2020 - Coronavirus - The COVID-19 Triage and Testing Centre of Tygerberg Hospital in Bellville. 350-400 patients is currently tested daily. They safely distanced apart. The Portfolio Committee on Health and the Select Committee on Health and Social Services will this week embark on a joint oversight visit to the Western Cape and KwaZulu Natal provinces to assess the state of quarantine sites and readiness of public hospitals to deal with Covid-19. Also, the committees will visit private health facilities in those provinces.
Since interprovincial travel is not allowed under the level 4 lockdown, the committees have deployed their members to conduct oversight visits in provinces where they reside. The committees have prioritised provinces with high numbers of confirmed Covid-19 cases.
The provinces that will be visited are Western Cape, which of 24 May stands at 14 740 confirmed Covid-19 cases and KwaZulu Natal with 1 815 cases. Video Courtney Africa/African News Agency(ANA) (zNT)

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