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EP 11 - Rick "Tank" Ferran

4 years ago

JP @jpcervantes180a and Nate @jesterstactical along with Mike @legion18z talk with Rick “Tank” Ferran @unclesamsnation, USMC Veteran, Business Owner and Host of the Uncle Sams Nation Podcast https://unclesamsnation.com.

Rick talks about surviving communism in Cuba, the challenges he faced adapting to the culture in the USA, joining the Marine Corps, his struggles with depression, and much more.

Thanks to our producer / social media manager Karla @mrskarlagochenour and editor Kristin @oda_ta

Song: Gunfighter Lullaby by Matt Dawson

Main Sponsors
- Nous Defions Group LLC @nousdefionsgrp
- Up Town Auto Glass @uptownautoglass
- A-Tacs Camo @atacscamo

#DontCashOut #VTSR #Veterans #PTSD #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness #Military #Resilience #Transition