The Secret Lives of Bees I Part 2 - SAVE THE BEES! Colony Collapse Disorder

4 years ago

In this video, Part 2 in our series The Secret Life of Bees, we will uncover the mystery of why honey bees are dying off in record numbers and, more importantly, how one man discovered the cure for Colony Collapse Disorder—the vanishing bees!

You will also learn about the interconnectedness bears, trees, mushrooms, and bees and why our food security is at risk.

Bees need our help—we will show you how you can help right from your own backyard.

To donate and to order the book FROM BEARS AND TREES TO MUSHROOMS AND BEES:

To donate directly to Washington State University:

To learn more about Louie Schwartzberg and to see his TED talk, HIDDEN MIRACLES of the NATURAL WORLD:

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