20200921 Life Doesn't Stop - The Five Minute Summation

3 years ago

Today's Five Minute Summation covers a subject many probably view as "touchy."

Why? Is it because nominating someone to fill Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat on the Supreme Court is some sort of attempt to slight or bad-mouth her record or reputation? I don't think so. I believe many have political motivations for the suggestion for waiting.

It's really pretty simple. If somebody other than the sitting president wins the presidential election, that person will choose the new justice.

So I don't believe--as I've said--one ought to speak ill of the dead. That said, I don't think anyone is suggesting that when the state that the Chief Executive nominate someone to take her place.

As always, thanks for visiting my channel and viewing this video.

The post upon which this video is based can be found at: http://blogs.kpshubert.com/2020/09/20/life-doesnt-stop-religion-and-politics/

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