Pandemic Survival Guide: How To Get Your Child To Pay Attention In Online School Unlisted Video

4 years ago

Millions of children are now sitting in front of computers at home instead of going to school, and teachers and parents are doing their best to help them learn.
And according to HuffPost, a common worry among parents is how to keep their child's attention engaged during their lessons.
Fortunately, there are lots of ways to keep children involved and learning. FIrst, make sure they have a dedicated learning space, free from distractions.
Second, understand that young children need to squirm, fidget, and move around, no matter what they're doing. Let them, and build in movement breaks, too.
Third, watch your proximity. Don't get so close that you're hovering, but don't be so checked out that your child feels lost and unsupported.
Finally, share with your child's teacher what's working, and what isn't. Don't make 'not paying attention' a cause for discipline. Instead, try something different. Good luck!

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