The terrorism continues

3 years ago

I know you’ve heard about this incessantly from me before and I’m not going to stop speaking out. Now we have the assignation attempt on two police officers in Los Angeles and regardless of who the perp is, the climate of racial division being generated by Biden, his party, and their propaganda cohorts in the main stream media, is absolutely responsible. These leftists have taken their party and its voters to socialism. I’m not being hyperbolic here, the facts support what I have ben saying and not what Biden and his leftists continue to say. They try to pin the divisiveness on the President and even more insulting, on folks like you and me. I for one, will keep speaking out and focusing on the real causes, not the minuscule number of incidents the leftists and terror arms Black Lives Matter and Antifa are trying to use to foment violence. The facts don’t support this violence and I will work against every entity supporting the destruction of the United States of America. That includes the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR and I don’t care if they tank or or not, and they are. Out here in the America I live in, we know the facts and are appalled at what we see happening. I speak to people every day, many of whom are democrats, that have never been more determined to vote, and vote for Donald Trump.

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