The Abraham Accord is a historic normalization of relations

4 years ago

The Abraham Accord is a historic normalization of relations between two Arab Gulf States and is leading to further outbreaks of peace by all indicators. President Donald Trump is set to preside over the signing of historic diplomatic deals between Israel and two Gulf Arab nations that heralds a dramatic shift in Middle East power dynamics and will likely give him a boost ahead of the November election. In a White House ceremony aimed at showcasing presidential statesmanship, Trump will host more than 700 guests Tuesday on the South Lawn to witness the signing of the agreements between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Unfortunately leftists around the world are disparaging the agreement because, because … Trump, is the only apparent reason. The highest ranking Democrat elected official, Speaker of eta House Nancy Pelosi called the deal just another “distraction” attempt by the President to win re-election. That is despicable but unfortunately is the norm today by opposition to the current administration because Orange Man Bad. I am always amazed at Trump’s ability to get the American leftists to oppose what they’ve desired to accomplish for decades, expending vast amounts of resources only to oppose it in the end.

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