Dog pours his entire heart into howling performance with his family

4 years ago

Brownie is a wonderful dog who dearly loves his family and he wants to do everything that they do. He follows them around the house and does his best to take part in whatever they are doing. And when it is time for a family singalong between Solon and his daughters, Iris, and Abigail, Brownie even wants to be the lead singer. The family discovered that Brownie likes to howl along with them whenever they sing. Many dogs sing but few pour their heart and soul into a song like Brownie. He throws back his head and gives it his all. He changes pitch and volume to make sure his voice is heard.
Brownie is a wonderful companion for Solon and his family. They brought him home as a pup and he has grown to be a loyal and brave family protector. Solon is a devoted father and husband, and also an incredibly hard working man. His job as a scuba instructor and tour guide would take him away from home for extended periods. Whenever he was out at sea, Brownie made sure that nobody got near the house without a thorough inspection. Brownie has a business side to him that always left Solon feeling that his family was well taken care of when he was absent.
This beautiful family lives On San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos. Their property has a lot of room for Brownie to explore and he spends his day running free or playing with the children. At night, he gets very comfortable outside their bedroom door. He's a highly intelligent dog who perfectly understands his role in the family and he gets as much love as he gives.
Solon has a wonderful bond with Brownie and needs only to utter a request and Brownie happily obeys. To see a dog so much a part of a loving family is heart warming.

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