Rare drone footage of Siberian style wooden chapel in Greece

4 years ago

Petáme páno apó énan tópo istorikís mnímis kai sevasmoú, ston opoío "ypográftike" i apelefthérosi tis Elládas apó ton tourkiko zygó to 1821, sto Navaríno Messinías. Ekeí ypárchei éna Sivirikoú týpou Rosikó Ekklisáki, sto mnimeío ton Róson Pesónton.
To Mnimeío Róson Pesónton vrísketai sto mikró nisí Sfaktiría, sta anoiktá tis Pýlou, sti Messinía. Topothetíthike ekeí to 1872, stin 45i epéteio tis navmachías tou Navarínou kai chrimatodotíthike apó to Rosikó Polemikó Naftikó.
To Mnimeío Róson Pesónton eínai afieroméno stous 59 nekroús Rósous náftes kai tous 141 travmatíes, ton tragikó apologismó tis navmachías.
Sto kéntro tou Mnimeíou Róson Pesónton, sto vomó, ypárchei mia marmárini pláka stin opoía anagráfetai: «Sti mními ton apolesthénton sti navmachía tou Navarínou stis 8 (20) Októvri 1827 kai entafiasménon edó kontá». Gýro apó tin pláka ypárchoun os símera ta kyparíssia pou fýtepsan to 1889 Rósoi náftes pou apaítisan timí stous sympatriótes tous.
To mnimeío ton Róson pesónton episképtontai akóma kai símera ta plirómata ton rosikón polemikón ploíon katá ti diárkeia ton taxidión tous stin Elláda kai apodídoun chréos timís.
Kontá sto Mnimeío Róson Pesónton vrísketai kai i ekklisía tis Anastáseos tou Kyríou, ópou gínontai leitourgíes kai mnimonévontai oi pesóntes. To 1960 kontá sti marmárini pláka topothetíthike stíli, stin opoía apeikonízetai i ánkyra kai to ethnósimo tis Sovietikís Énosis. I epigrafí páno sti stíli gráfei óti aftí topothetíthike «…pros timí ton Róson naftón pou apoléstikan iroiká sti navmachía tou Navarínou».
Keímeno: Terrabook
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We fly over a place of historical memory and respect, in which the liberation of Greece from the Turkish yoke in 1821 was "signed", in Navarino, Messinia. There is a Siberian-style Russian church, at the monument to the Russian Fallen.
The Monument to the Russian Fallen is located on the small island of Sfaktiria, off Pylos, in Messinia. It was stationed there in 1872, on the 45th anniversary of the Battle of Navarino, and was funded by the Russian Navy.
The Monument to the Russian Fallen is dedicated to the 59 dead Russian sailors and the 141 wounded, the tragic account of the naval battle.
In the center of the Monument to the Russian Fallen, on the altar, there is a marble plaque that reads: "In memory of those lost in the naval battle of Navarino on October 8 (20) 1827 and buried nearby." Around the slab are to this day the cypress trees planted in 1889 by Russian sailors who demanded honor from their compatriots.
The crew of Russian warships still visit the monument to the Russian fallen during their voyages to Greece and pay tribute.
Near the Monument of the Russian Fallen is the church of the Resurrection of the Lord, where services are held and the fallen are commemorated. In 1960, a column depicting the anchor and coat of arms of the Soviet Union was placed near the marble slab. The inscription on the column reads that it was placed "τιμή in honor of the Russian sailors who were heroically lost in the naval battle of Navarino".

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