Cool tip: how to turn green tomatoes red

4 years ago

If you plant your tomatoes at the wrong time of the season there's a big chance that theyll grow and look beautiful but theyll never turn red, unfortunately that was a lesson I learned this year and all I have is a ton of green beautiful tomatoes on the vine, but they are not turning red. I went online & found this little tip.

1- your supposed to put couple of ripe apples or bananas in a Brown paper bag And close it up leaving in a warm spot in your house. Ripe Apples and bananas have active Lycoming which is supposed to turn the tomatoes red. When you plant them too late the Sun Burns up all the lycopene and doesn't give them a chance to actually turn color. The apple help this.

TODAY day 3: So far so good I rather not use bananas because they get way too ripe and fruit flies start coming about but that's up to you

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