Living My Life With Giant Legs | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

3 years ago

Monique Samuels has extreme lymphedema in her legs. After a fall ice skating age 12, Monique thought she had a sprained ankle. But after several weeks, while the pain had gone away the swelling hadn’t. Monique and her mother set out on getting a diagnosis but it took visiting multiple doctors, physio appointments and scans, before they got an answer. At first just in her right leg, the lymphedema spread to both legs. Monique dropped out of track, the swim team and marching band and started hiding her legs in loose long skirts and dresses instead of the cute shorts and jeans her peers were wearing. By the time she was an adult it was less a matter of choice and practicality; Monique’s legs were too big to wear jeans and trousers. Although there isn’t a cure for lymphedema, Monique has various ways to manage it. At home she has a treadmill and weights and elevates her leg where possible. She uses a pump machine and wrapping, which takes 60 minutes each time, to help with the swelling. She’s also had surgery 12 times to drain excess fluid from her legs– however this measure is only temporary. Overall Monique’s legs are smaller than they used to be – and she can once again wear shorts and stretchy pants. For Monique this is as much to do with her increased confidence as her legs reducing in size. She started posting photos on Instagram, as well as some Youtube videos to give other women the same confidence she has too.

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