I Lost 145lbs To See My Children Grow Up | BRAND NEW ME

3 years ago

WHEN she was overweight Felicia Keathley, 24, struggled to keep up with her son and carry out everyday activities. After seeing a photo of herself Felicia, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, realised she needed to change. Starting out at 302lbs at her heaviest, Felicia was determined to get healthy for the sake of her son and future children. Felicia told Truly: “My weight stopped me from doing so much. I never wanted to go anywhere. I just wanted to sit on the couch. I never wanted to go to amusement parks or do fun things with my family.” Over the course of 18 months, Felicia lost 145lbs as a result of a healthy diet and exercise. She has been maintaining this weight for a couple of years. During her journey, Felicia started an Instagram page to keep her accountable but her following grew and she is now an influencer, posting updates and weight loss tips to help inspire others on their own journeys. Felicia said: “I truly feel like this is what I was meant to do.” Now a mother-of-two young boys, Felicia has transformed her life. She said: “It took me so many tries, it took me years, but I finally did, I just never gave up. And now I'm here and I'm the happiest I've ever been, and the healthiest I've ever been for me and my kids.”

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