RNC Was Fully Onboard The Trump Train, But Who Else Is? Unlisted Video

4 years ago

While the Republican National Convention this week has clearly indicated President Donald Trump now owns the GOP, one question remains.
Can the Republican party survive in an America growing irreversibly more diverse through the 2020s?
According to CNN, the 2016 GOP convention rippled with unresolved tension and 'never Trumpers.'
But the conspicuous absence of dissent at this year's event underscores how the party has been stamped with 'Trump,' just like a downtown skyscraper.
Trump's dream of turning America's demographic clock backwards is appealing to a narrower and smaller base.
And with the GOP's wholesale jump onto the 'Trump train,' the party could be locked into a cycle of contraction that makes Republicanism increasingly irrelevant.
It's going to get more insular, more monolithic, more intense, and it's going to repel more voters who are not in the tribe. Michael Madrid Co-Founder, The Lincoln Project

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