Estragão ( Artemisa dracunculus ) serve para cólicas menstruais

4 years ago

Before using this herbal medicine consult a specialist first.

Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) is used for menstrual cramps

Tarragon is a medicinal plant, also known as French Tarragon or Dragon Herb, which can be used as an aromatic herb because it has a delicate flavor like anise, and is useful for making home remedies to treat menstrual cramps.

This plant can reach 1 meter in height and has lanceolate leaves, showing tiny flowers and its scientific name is Artemisia dracunculus and can be found in supermarkets, in health food stores and in some handling pharmacies.

What is it for:

Tarragon is used to help treat menstrual cramps, regulate menstruation and improve poor digestion in case of bulky or fatty meals.


It has a sweet, aromatic and anise-like flavor, and has a purifying, digestive, stimulating, deworming and carminative action due to the presence of tannins, coumarin, flavonoids and essential oil.

Side Effects and Contraindications:

Tarragon should not be used during pregnancy or in case of suspected pregnancy because it can lead to miscarriage, as it promotes uterine contraction.

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