how humans and animals communicate

4 years ago

I went for a walk and happened to see a monkey giggling in a pitiful corner of a tree, I held out my hand and the monkey held my hand as if it had been without love in a long time, in KELANTAN malaysia people have where people abuse. wild monkeys, abuse them and make them work instead of humans climbing coconuts. people in need. When it comes to the new owner, the monkeys will endure a life of imprisonment and hard labor without rest. Accordingly, the pitiful monkeys will be forced to participate in long-term training courses to be able to choose coconuts and pick coconuts for their owners fluently. During training, the monkeys were frequently mistreated, beaten and starved. Until they obey and do everything according to their master's orders, they will be temporarily free from painful blows. However, in the course of the work, if something goes wrong, or does not dare to resist, the poor monkeys will continue to be beaten for pain, extremely miserable, known, wild monkeys are caught and trained. . peach coconut now KELANTAN malaysia, so pitiful for such a living monkeys, these monkeys should have been treated with kindness because they sounded like a record of the evolution of the ancient mankind. great. They need a free and happy life like humans, but unfortunately humans are too lazy to make monkeys Vietnamese for themselves,

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