So High the Price

4 years ago

So High the Price

Lord of Glory, reigning in His Majesty,
Ruling long before the worlds were formed.
Yet when darkness claimed His own,
He stepped from Heaven's throne
To bear a cross, and wear a crown of thorns.

So high the price He paid,
the nails the cross, the grave.
Such pardon He bestowed,
such grace He showed.
No greater sacrifice, He gave His very life.
So deep His love, so high the Price.

Son of God so willingly He took our place,
Clothed in robes of frail humanity.
Fragile flesh and blood, priceless crimson blood
Offered up for sin at Calvary.


Buried, like a beggar in a borrowed tomb,
Everything for nothing, so it seemed.
But death could never stand
Against the nail-scarred hands,
And power of Heaven's resurrected King!


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