I Was Paralysed At 16 - Now I'm A Pro Bodybuilder | BRAND NEW ME

4 years ago

WHEN doctors said he would not walk again after a car accident at the age of 16, Nick Scott thought his dreams were over. His weight ballooned to over 300lbs and he felt discouraged. However, Nick, 37, turned this tragic accident into triumph when he decided to train in the bench press. Nick, of San Antonio, Texas told Truly: “If I couldn’t play football, sports or anything, the one thing I could be was stronger than everybody. And that’s what I did.” Nick began powerlifting before entering his first wheelchair bodybuilding competition in 2006. Nicknamed ‘the beast’, he became a champion at the 2014 IFBB Dallas Pro show. Nick said: “Of all the awards this is the most sentimental and it’s closest to my heart because it shows significance that I beat all the wheelchair bodybuilders around the world and I lead by example.” Since then, Nick has been raising awareness about wheelchair bodybuilding and his hard work led to the 2016 Arnold Classic Pro Wheelchair competition and the Wheelchair Olympia in 2018. Nick is launching an apparel range to support the community. Nick also became a professional speaker in 2005 and has toured around the United States and the world sharing his story and encouraging and empowering others. Nick said: “One of the highlights of my career and I take pride in is getting wheelchair bodybuilding acknowledged as a professional sport. And the significance of that is that wheelchair bodybuilding is now on the same platform as other able body athletes.”

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