My Addiction Left Me Unable to Walk - But Look At Me Now | BRAND NEW ME

3 years ago

ADDICTION led to Lee fighting for his life in hospital. After his mum tragically passed away in 2011, he set off on a downward spiral of alcohol and drug addiction. The 28-year-old’s turning point came when he ended up in hospital and doctors told him he was lucky to be alive. His weight had dropped to just over 130lbs and he relied on a zimmer frame or wheelchair to get around. Lee told Truly: “You either take the route, which unfortunately a lot of people do and that's drink and do drugs until you die; or you pick yourself up, you take the help that’s in place and you recover, which is exactly what I've done.” Lee has now been sober for over 16 months and has gone from being unable to walk unaided to squatting over 264lbs - double his body weight when he was in hospital. His twin brother Adam was also struggling with addiction in the early stages of Lee’s recovery but went to rehab before following his brother’s path and has turned his life around. He has been sober for five months now. Lee said: “We’ve never been stronger than we are now. It’s great and our mum would be proud of us.” Together, the brothers work on their Instagram page @sobertwins_life and are launching Zen Monkey Clothing to support others with addiction. Adam said: “It's so rewarding to be able to sit down and organize what we're going to do together and how we're going to impact others and just have that same desire and dedication that we've got for our recovery to be passed onto other people.”

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