I Trained my Fish to Bite my Finger when I put it in the Aquarium

4 years ago

I wanted to see if I could make my angelfish bite my finger whenever I put it in the aquarium. The answer was... well watch the video and find out :)

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Welcome to my Rumble Channel! This is where I'll be uploading cute videos of my pet geckos and fish and dogs and puppies and kittens and all that fun stuff. This will mainly involve my Leopard gecko Partha, who is a very cute and funny little aniamls. Also you can see my Angelfish, pleco rainbow shark and many many more!

Every video is here to entertain and just bring some positivity into our lives through my lovely pets.

Hope you all do enjoy :)

Also I have a Youtube channel where I post mopre challenge like videos and also have fun with higher degrees of editing in the videos. One of my personal favourite videos is this one
and this one

Oh and you can watch my newest video here if you want too!

so if you like these types of videos make sure you subscribe with the link down below:

I'll be uploading a video on Rumble every Thursday and Saturday but I'll defiantly do more if people like, so leave comment if you want more!

And once again
Rumble on!

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