couragemotivationalvideo TD Jakes - Nadine Raphael Best Motivational Speech Compilation

4 years ago


TD Jakes - COURAGE ft (Nadine Raphael) Best Motivational Speech Compilation 2020

TD Jakes - COURAGE ft (Nadine Raphael) Best Motivational Speech Compilation 2020 Motivation Inspiration Life -Changing Courage is not the absence of fear. Courageous people do feel afraid sometimes but they overcome their fear.
Courage is the moral strength to withstand difficulty.

I hope this video will be helpful to someone. Thank you very much, and don't forget to share, like, comment, and inspire others.

This video was put together by Changing Lives Motivation YouTube channel, It is a result of much hard work, time and effort to create a content that inspires, and uplifts people's soul.

What is Courage? Courage is the choice to confront agony, danger, uncertainty, or Intimidation. Courage is feeling fear Yet choosing to act.

Courage is following your heart, not minding situations around you . It is choosing to go the extra mile. Courage is believing even when you are suffering.

Bishop TD Jakes
Nadine Raphael

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