Seagull makes daring swoop to snatch a treat from unsuspecting ducks.

4 years ago

A cheeky seagull swoops to steal a morsel of food from a gathering of ducks then fly off with its ill gotten snack.
This video was filmed on the banks of the river Clyde in the city of Glasgow, Scotland in an area called Glasgow green. This is a popular park situated in the heart of the city used by dog walkers, cyclists, joggers and people enjoying the beautiful open space.
The footage was taken from a purposely built viewing area which allows people to watch the local wildlife. During the recording a man was feeding pigeons and seagulls on the deck of the viewing area and decided to throw a treat the way of the ducks. Suddenly! A nearby seagull saw an opportunity and made cheeky yet daring swoop for the prize. This surprised everyone including the ducks who were confused and ultimately out witted by the brazen gull who flew off into the sunset.
Seagulls are known to be very intelligent as well as resourceful and inquisitive, which is clearly on display in this video. Seagulls are also known to demonstrate complex methods of communication and have highly developed social structures. They are known to mob predators and intruders. Some species have even developed some basic tool use behaviours.

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