The New Challenge Facing 'Henrys' Unlisted Video

4 years ago

The term 'Henry' stands for 'high earner, not rich yet.' It's typically used for 30-something millennials who earn over $100K but spend too much.
But novel coronavirus pandemic lockdowns stripped Henrys of some of their favorite splurges, like traveling and entertainment.
On the upside, financial experts tell Business Insider the Henrys finally started to save.
But now, reopening the economy is presenting them with a new challenge: resisting a return to their profligate ways.
Stash Wealth partner Priya Malani encourages Henrys to stash excess cash in a high-yield savings account, to create an emergency fund.
If you lose your job in the coming months, you have a cushion to soften the blow. Priya Malani Stash Wealth

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