Family Took in Scrappy Kitten and Helped Her Blossom into Adventurous Cat

4 years ago

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Family Took in Scrappy Kitten and Helped Her Blossom into Adventurous Cat
Amy Bojo Jun 17 20

A family took in a tiny, scrappy kitten born on a farm and turned her life around.

calico, kitten, adventurous cat

Earlier this year, a pregnant cat was found on a farm, and she later gave birth to a litter of kittens. The farm owner reached out to their friend, Rachel, hoping to find the kittens good homes. Before they could be adopted, the cat mom suddenly vanished one day and left the feline babies behind.

The kittens were very tiny and needed someone to care for them. "We rescued Toast (the calico kitten) and her sister Raven. Unfortunately, Raven had some serious genetic problems and didn't make it," Rachel told Love Meow.

"Even though Toast was old enough to start on some soft food, she was too little so we began with bottle feeding, and she took to that very well."

The kitten latched onto her bottle like a champ and started to gain weight. The tiny tenacious calico refused to give up.

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