Miracle Conjoined Twins Learning To Walk | BORN DIFFERENT

3 years ago

CONJOINED TWINS Callie and Carter Torres are now learning to stand on their own two feet – despite doctors originally giving them just 24 hours to live. The now three-year-olds were born as Omphalo-Ischiopagus twins, attached by their pelvic area and sharing all organs from the belly button down with just one leg each. Mom, Chelsea Torres, and dad, Nick Torres, have been home-schooling the girls for the last two months, focusing on their physical therapy exercises in order to improve their coordination skills. According to Chelsea, doctors usually give conjoined twins around a five percent chance of being born alive and a two percent chance of being alive past 24 hours – so understandably, both Chelsea and Nick are overjoyed with the girls’ current progress. Chelsea, who resides with the family in Idaho, describes the girls’ body as ‘clashing together like two waves’. A certain part belongs to Callie, and the other to Carter; they each have their own hearts, stomachs and upper extremities. Once arriving at the girls’ small intestines, that’s where they begin to share everything – including one leg each which obviously impacts their walking capabilities. But despite the hardship, the girls are beginning to stand up on their own and even walk a few paces forward, with the help of mom and dad. The girls have very separate personalities, with Carter usually leading the way.

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