Swimmer pets and plays among wild stingrays in Belize

4 years ago

Stingrays have a reputation as being cold blooded killers, unpredictable and dangerous. Public perception turned extremely negative when the beloved Steve Irwin died in a tragic accident as he interacted with stingrays. It was a freak incident that involved a fatal puncture of his heart when he was filming in Australia. Irwin was a world famous environmentalist and conservationist with a flair for drama and entertainment and his death shocked the world.

Stingrays have not been known to attack humans unless boxed in and threatened. Even those instances are incredibly rare and are actually defensive as opposed to aggressive. They are highly intelligent creatures with no desire to harm humans.

These stingrays swim freely in a protected area on San Pedro Island in Belize. There is no enclosure and the rays are completely wild, but they are also accustomed to people here and they have been treated respectfully. This swimmer invites the stingrays to approach on their own terms and they are able to swim away if necessary. Prolonged or intentional approach from the rear or from above is avoided because this could be mistaken as predatory. In this way, the stingrays are not dangerous at all. They are actually affectionate and friendly and they seem to enjoy being rubbed and petted.

Interaction with wild animals in their own habitat is a thrilling experience. Wild animals should always be approached respectfully and with caution and it should always be on their terms, not ours. Operations and tour agencies that encourage or allow animal harassment and exploitation should be avoided. Scuba diving and snorkel tours with operations like Chuck & Robbie's Dive Instruction will provide ethical and safe experiences, and memories that last a lifetime.

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