Talented impressionist's nutrition debate between Jason Statham and Arnold Schwarzenegger

4 years ago

Simon has been doing impressions for years, providing entertainment for friends and family. During the Covid 19 pandemic, he took to social media to provide uplifting messages and amusing narratives that brought laughter and joy in a very troubling time. Understandably, his fans asked for more. He received requests and feedback from those who loved his voice antics and sharp impressions. One fan from Canada took particular delight in the impressive resemblance to two of his favourite actors and he asked Simon what an argument between Jason Staham and Arnold Schwarzenegger would sound like. With a little pressure from Dave, Simon came up with this debate about the perils of boredom eating during lockdown.

Simon blames the pressure from the isolation on the argument that he brings us, but the truth is that this is the product of a brilliant imagination and a positive outlook. Simon might be persuaded to take requests and he does very convincing voices of many famous people. Feel free to comment if there is something you would like to hear.

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