Baby eats too much Cheerios like a little puppy

4 years ago

Harvey just turned one year old and like most youngsters, he is a baby that eats too much at times. Along with turning one, Harvey has had some other great changes in his continual growth. Mastering the skill of walking and starting to talk all within the same month. Now being mobile and faster than when crawling, Harvey is seen here eating way too many cheerios all over the deck of his grandparents home. The little black puppy is Harvey dog Bella, whom is waiting very closely for any cheerio that Harvey may miss from gobbling up off the blanket and patio. Harvey also has a very comical personality. While bending over to gobble up and eat way too much, turn up your volume as you will hear him and his adorable chuckle as he chows down on the cheerios. How adorable, he always makes everyone giggle. Enjoy the 4k footage.

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