2 Gryllus campestris live in this mink

4 years ago

Gryllus campestris has remarkable vocal talents. The loud singing of males can be heard in the steppe at a distance of up to 200 m. It consists of 2-6 syllables of different tonality, performed at certain intervals. Females are less vociferous, their melodies are simpler and quieter, do not differ in special variety.

Field cricket leads a solitary lifestyle. He builds in soft ground under grass cover an inclined underground shelter with a depth of 10-20 cm and a diameter of about 2 cm. At the entrance to it, a small area is carefully cleared of grass blades, debris and pebbles. She serves the male as a kind of platform for attracting females and an arena for fighting competitors.
The owner furiously defends his territory from any encroachment.
When predators appear, the insect immediately hides in a mink. It runs fast, but does not know how to fly at all, unlike Acheta domesticus

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