What Children Are Grateful For During COVID-19 Lockdown Unlisted Video

4 years ago

Most Americans have spent nearly a month in self-isolation, due to the coronavirus lockdown.
HuffPost Parents’ spoke to their Facebook community.
They asked parents to share what their kids are being more grateful for, now that they're home a lot more.
Their answers included:
1. Jennifer Cassiday McCartney said “The older one has learned we don’t need to be busy 24/7, or have to go somewhere to have fun."
2. Cinthya Cunningham explains, “We’ve become more creative with our time. We have pretend spa days at home...We have made the best of things, more walks, more time together.
3. Lisa Sexton Smith, a teacher said “I’ve had more than one of my students tell me they miss school and all of their teachers.”
4. Mandy Stitt added, “Each other. They are 17, 19 and 20 and hearing them stay up late into the night giggling like they did years ago has been a blessing.”

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