One Baby Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Baby Harvey

4 years ago

Harvey is the adorable 11 month old little guy in this video. Appearing to be quite strong since shortly after birth, he has been progressing with motor skills at a great rate. starting out his mobility skills with what his parents called his "army crawl" on his belly basically pulling himself along the floor. After mastering his "army crawl" Harvey soon was full out crawling all over the main floor of the house. Stand came next, wobbly legs and all. Moving from toy to toy in his playroom while standing surely helped to build his leg muscles and mobility skills. Coming from a family of men that do not sit around idle very much, Harvey's mobility is right on schedule. with coronavirus having many of us in some sort of social distancing or lockdown, staying home more has been the norm. This more sometime has given Harvey more time to practice walking. As seen here, Megan his mom has created a simple way to get Harvey working to get his toys, all while not even knowing he is practicing to walk. Shuffling the box forward slightly on this day in April, caused Harvey to take his very first step on his own unaided. What an exciting day for the family. How adorable and such a feat!

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