What This Trained Dolphin Does In Slow Motion Will Totally Blow Your Mind

4 years ago

Have you ever thought that dolphins are the smartest animals in the world? Then you are right, look at the incredible skills that this trained dolphin has. Some scientists claim that dolphins have a highly developed brain, and even very similar to that of humans, for this reason, it is very easy for dolphins to understand human behavior and follow its instructions. In this case, this trained intelligent dolphin can jump to catch a ball thrown by its trainer, for this the woman throws the ball, then the dolphin catches it and returns it. This is a really talented dolphin!

Dolphins are the most popular and probably the smartest marine mammals. That is why it is difficult to find a zoo or an aquarium without a dolphinarium that does shows with an audience. Such shows are possible thanks to very sophisticated training techniques, which should be noted that they have changed radically in recent decades.

Thus, most European and American coaches are governed by new learning techniques, more friendly, faster and more effective than traditional ones. We tell you how they train dolphins so that they also enjoy the shows.

Current laws prevent hunting animals in the wild to take them to enclosures such as zoos or aquariums. In fact, there are very rigorous controls to control where each of the animals that we can visit in captivity come from. In this sense, for many years the animals we see in captivity have either been rescued and cannot live again in the wild, or have been born in captivity and, therefore, could not survive in the wild.

Dolphins are animals of extraordinary intelligence who love to learn and play. Aquariums design shows with animals because that kind of mental and physical exercise is necessary for them. If these animals did not pose mental challenges, such as learning choreography, they would be bored to depression or madness.

The shows also raise money that helps maintain facilities and hire trainers and vets. Maintaining a place like a dolphinarium costs a lot of money and, since the dolphins would have to be busy learning and playing, it is used to cover the expenses.

The clicker is a very popular technique for dog training, but it works very well with any animal, especially dolphins. Karen Pryor is an expert in the use of the clicker and has spent decades training dolphins and training clicker trainers. With the use of the clicker, you get the animal to associate the noise with a reward and, in this way, you can tell the animal when it has done well.

Horses are also trained with the clicker technique. This technique allows training without touching or forcing the animal, making it especially useful for large animals. Rhinos or elephants in zoos are also clicker-trained to know how to behave on veterinary visits.

The dolphins we see doing shows in modern zoos and aquariums are not animals captured from the wild and are trained for their well-being. Thanks to how they train dolphins, they have begun to teach other things to less intelligent animals. Fortunately, dolphinariums are no longer cruel to their dolphins.

Did you know that dolphins know how to adopt our character? If a person is sad and lethargic, then the dolphin will be in the same mood, and vice versa. Therefore, a bad mood should always be left aside, and indeed, that everything is good, you should try to be positive.

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