'Alien' Girl Wants To Be Permanently Blue | HOOKED ON THE LOOK

4 years ago

Lhouraii Li, who previously made the news in 2013 as the ‘Barbie of Bradford’, has undergone a dramatic change over the past six years and now regularly covers herself in blue paint. She also suffers from severe Agoraphobia, which means she can’t be in public or she’ll experience a panic attack. Lhouraii, who spends her time on her canal boat in the north of England, told Barcroft Studios: “When I’m blue I just feel like myself. I really don't feel like I belong anywhere, even in this body, and being blue is the most I feel like I belong somewhere.” She is now looking for a way to turn permanently blue. She said: “I thought about tattooing my skin blue, but I think I might be allergic to tattooing. I've tried dyeing my skin blue by taking baths in hair dye, but I just turned blue and then back to my natural skin color.” For now, Lhouraii is happy with her face paint, and shares her unique makeup and fashion on social media as ‘@lhouraii’. But despite her thriving social media presence, it’s been four years since Lhouraii has been in a public place due to the Agoraphobia she developed over the last six years. She is now actively trying to overcome her disorder and get back to society. “I have a book of things that I want to do when I'm able to go outside,” she said. “See a water fountain, see a statue, see and smell flowers, visit a therapist and visit a skin doctor. They’re the things I'm looking forward to the most."

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