487lbs ‘Comfort Eater’ Loses Half His Body Weight | BRAND NEW ME

5 years ago

AFTER a breakdown in family relationships, Matthew Rivera spiralled into depression and found comfort in food that resulted in rapid weight gain. The 27-year-old, from California, started gaining weight whilst still at high school. At his heaviest, he weighed 487lbs, his weight started affecting his everyday life – he couldn’t fit comfortably in the car, walk down a block, it caused constant back pain, even tying his shoe laces became problematic. It also started affecting his relationship with his family and friends. Matthew told Barcroft TV: “I couldn’t answer phone calls from [my mum], I wouldn't respond to texts from her, and I got to a point that one time I moved out of the house.” Moving to a new place kickstarted Matthew’s decision to lose weight, which he did in two years through a diet and exercise regime. He has lost an incredible 242lbs in just two years; from 487lbs to 245lbs. Starting a healthy regime has helped Matthew to improve his mental health and consequently, not only has his relationship with his family improved, but he also inspires others around him to adopt healthy eating habits. Matthew’s journey is not over – the dramatic weight loss has left him with a lot of excess skin. Matthew is planning on getting skin removal surgery soon and continuing to inspire others to live a healthier lifestyle. He said: “Hopefully by sharing my story and my journey with others, it might inspire others to push themselves.”

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