Wildfires wreak havoc on Australia Unlisted Video

4 years ago

Business Insider reports Australia is currently battling against a swathe of wildfires.
Three fires in the state of Victoria have now joined to form a single enormous blaze 23 square miles across.
In other words, the wildfires cover a marginally larger area than Manhattan.
There are a number of fires that are coming together — very strong, very large, intense fires that are creating some...fire-generated thunderstorms. Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons New South Wales Rural Fire Service
Fire-generated thunderstorms are known as pyrocumulonimbus thunderstorms.
They're created when hot air from wildfires meets a colder front of air from outside the fire, generating lightning.
The fires are confirmed to have killed 23 people so far, and 1,500 homes across Victoria and New South Wales have been destroyed.

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