Waitress receives huge tip for Christmas

4 years ago

A very special moment when hardworking waitress receiving tips from customers for Christmas.

Do you think that having good manners and respect is very important for civilization? You have to see the reaction of this waitress when she receives a big Christmas tip! Some people do their job very well and that allows them to earn the respect and admiration of many people, especially when it comes to jobs where you have to talk to many people. Obviously, the waitress shown in this emotional video has earned the respect of many people in her work, since people know how to recognize her good deeds and reward her with good tips so she can enjoy Christmas perfectly. Many people know how to thank the good service of some waiters, and this group of people should be an example for everyone. You always have to reward who deserves it!

The tip is a reward for a service provided, freely offered by the person served to whom it serves with good will. This custom is hated by egalitarian Marxism. Who doesn't like to be well treated? Especially today, when in supermarkets, in shopping centers or on the Internet, relationships are assuming an increasingly impersonal and distant character. And the usual way to pay a good service is through the tip. The tip results from a personal bond established in a service provision. To the mere commercial necessity, she associates the human feeling of sympathy, thus taking money away from her arrogant dominance.

The tip is given freely and without any commitment. On the freedom to give or deny the tip, opinions are divided and discussions are endless. Many say that she is previously determined by social habits or local uses. Therefore, it would not be so free, and in certain restaurants it is often included in the bill, which some consider an unpleasant imposition. Others argue that human needs are repeated, and today's tip prepares future advantages, by resorting to the same service. But it is not so, the defenders of the tip retort, since countless travelers are seen in the tourist centers, who probably will not return to that place anymore, but who do not stop gratifying chargers, chauffeurs and young men.

As soon as the tip is granted, she expresses confidence, gratitude and recognition of whoever grants and who receives. In it lies a feeling of social order, according to which each one adjusts to the inequalities: they do not crush, but they help and complete each other. In addition, honor and social prestige are not absent from the gesture of leaving a tip, a symbol of the trust of who serves and the recognition of who is served.

Some experts say that the tip is a straight way of feeling society, according to natural law, is the very factor of good manners based on the inequality between who serves and who is served, but affectionately united in mutual recognition. All people should reward those who deserve it, as this helps other people know how to thank good deeds and in this way the world would be much better. The reaction of this waitress is really emotional!

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