Long Video No2 Of The Twycross Gorilla Family

4 years ago

Hopefully everyone had a great Christmas :-) .
Lope outside with dad Oumbi clapping his hands. Inside Lope tries to chase Shufai his brother, but got himself in a muddle, TWICE. The next clip little Shufai is biting his big brother, but Lope is gracious enough to just let him carry on. This was a year ago, he grown quite a bit. Outside again, Oumbi is giving little Shufai a nudge and the both move up the rocks. Grandma Biddy does what she does best, enjoy the sun. You can see her white/grey leg quite well in that shot. Lope sitting in the grass, poking at a prickly weed and eating his bark. When mum Ozala sits by the side of the water feature, she just picked out some food from the water ( The only time she goes near the water, when food falls in it) . Lope stares at her in the hope she's sharing. He should know better lol . Shufai dismounting from the climbing frame with his little roll. Lope putting his leg up and has a chest beat with Asante watching. Lope having a rest inside and walking upright outside. There he looks for a comfy place with his wood wool in his arms. Going past Biddy, he settles down on the other site of the hut and enjoys his bark. When he's done, he walks off but not without a little nudge on Biddy's head. The look back at Biddy when he walks back just says rascal all over. Next, a close up o Shufai in the winter sun. Asante outside near Lope without any incident. Back inside Ozala has Lope by the scruff of his neck. Outside Oumbi sitting at the wall, while the females Ozala and Biddy seem both on edge. Oumbi sitting in the grass and back inside Biddy is looking in from the shadows. The two brothers are playing, going round and round in circles. At the end some footage of last year. People donated their Christmas trees to the animals. It makes a great place to hide foot in. Lope and Shufai playing by the trees. Oumbi in the middle of their play. Sweet Shufai at the end.

#SloggerVlogger #AnimalVideos #TwycrossGorillas

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