Guy Cleans Off Someone Else's Car Window

4 years ago

Are you a person with good manners who knows that you have to help people who need it? The truth is that there are many people who have good manners and are always willing to help others, and this is very good for sociability, since help should always be welcome. In this case, a good man voluntarily offers to clean the rear window of a vehicle in front of him. The man uses a shovel to remove all the snow from the window, and his partner filmed the epic moment. The world needs more people like this man!

Good manners are linked to good education, and with good education I don't mean to have a lot of knowledge or to have attended the best schools in the world. To be educated, to have good manners, is to behave correctly in each of the situations that we encounter in life, it is to treat people, all people, with total respect even if we do not agree with them in their way of thinking. Having good manners is not synonymous with being "stretched" people or having to know all the rules of etiquette. Knowing how to behave has more to do, from my point of view, with showing respect and helping everyone to feel comfortable.

Probably we have all met on occasion with beautiful and attractive people who, unfortunately, have proved to be just a pretty container without too much content. People who have failed to behave, or treat others with courtesy, with education, with respect. Good manners are essential to develop in life and be appreciated for everything we can offer and go hand in hand with values such as respect, loyalty, gratitude, compression, tolerance, etc., all very necessary for Be an integral person. Knowing how to behave is important for all people, regardless of sex or age and to become full adults and with good manners, you have to work from home. Children must be taught to have good behavior, parents and educators must join forces to achieve it.

Some people may feel ashamed to act in accordance with the basic rules of good education in front of others who do not, should not be so. We should not feel ashamed for having good manners. Good manners make interaction with other people much easier and more enjoyable. To have good manners is to put into operation the “golden rule”: behave with others as you would like them to behave with you. You have to help who needs it!

Occurred on December 5, 2019 / Alma, Ontario, Canada

Info from Licensor: Rob and myself (Brandon) were on our way to the job site on a snowy early morning. This car pulled out in front of us and immediately Rob had commented how dumb the guy was to not brush off his windows. Rob said, “give me the brush!” So I fished the brush out of the back seat and gave it to Rob, he stormed out of the truck and I couldn’t myself from laughing uncontrollably as he angrily brushed off the back window, the car drove off with a clean back window thanks to Rob, not all heroes wear capes!

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