Bear Caught Inside of Car

5 years ago

Occurred on November 20, 2019 / Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada

Info from Licensor: "My mom called me at 3:30 am saying something had set off her car alarm (we live on a large rural multi-residence property) and seemed to still be in her car. I drove up and opened the door to her car and a bear was inside and had done a lot of damage.
After the video ended I opened the door to let the bear get out and it returned to the woods. There was no food in the car but this bear has been hanging around trying to get anything it can. We have already moved all our freezers etc indoors to prevent access to any food but this bear is habituated to humans and getting very bold. Unfortunately, this bear is likely to be destroyed (shot by conservation officer) due to its habituation."

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