travel in Norway

4 years ago

Flåm Railway (Flamsbana) is one of the steepest roads in the world, running along a regular track. Its length is 20 km. The track runs surrounded by rocks along mountain rivers through 20 tunnels, 18 of which were laid by hand. The journey takes about an hour. Almost 80% of the route has a slope of 55 thousand shares, which corresponds to a rise of 1 meter for every 18 meters of the track. The Flåm Railway is popular all year round, and in the summer there is a full house.
Did I enjoy traveling on the Flåm railway in Norway? Of course! But the reason is probably not in the breathtaking views from the window, not in the huge waterfalls falling from the peaks and not in the mountain farms. This road shows that even in the most severe Norwegian landscapes a person can build something beautiful by harmoniously fitting this triumph of engineering into the surrounding nature

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