Google Reveals Most-Searched Halloween Costumes Of 2019

4 years ago

Do you think the funniest thing about Halloween is the amazing costumes? If your answer is positive, you should watch this video right now. Every year, many people make an incredible effort to obtain the best Halloween costume, since they consider that in this way they will be able to attract the attention of many people, which is very exciting and fun. The truth is that the theme of costumes can vary greatly, since some can be cute, scary or superheroes, everything will depend on the taste of each person and what they want to use that exciting day. In this case, you can see how Google shared the list of the most sought-after costumes this year, in which very common costumes such as witch and Spiderman costumes circulate, while there are also other very innovative ones such as IT and Stranger Things. Costumes every year are better!

Halloween night is a good occasion for children to dress in fear to scare or impress their friends and family. And the more spooky and scary the costume they choose for Halloween night, the better, because that way they will leave their homes and, according to tradition, will go out to order sweets in the neighborhood and scare them at the same time. According to the story, the Celts, drivers of this celebration, used a mask to escape the ghosts. They followed this tradition, motivated by fear of spirits and darkness.

The custom or affection of the costume dates from very old. It seems that the Romans already disguised themselves in the "Saturnales", parties in which during three consecutive days they forgot the established order and gave themselves to parties and saraos. Therefore, it was Italy the cradle of the costume at the Carnival and where it reached greater importance and even today we can observe it in that country. But one thing is to dress and another is the art of disguise. This is where the magical sense of the party comes into play. The dissimulation, the deceit, the mockery, the non-being of each one or, if we abound a little more deeply, the authentic being of each one.

In Germany, carnival masks appeared instead of hiding, to represent burlesque and pretentious pieces, mocking the mask of the established order, both civil and religious. During the reign of Carlos III, mask dances were introduced in Spain, with some relief. Ferdinand VII did not allow them to cross the streets, and Queen Maria Cristina reauthorized them during her regency. Due to the anonymity and the mysterious air surrounding the masked man, thousands of people each year look for this transformation as an escape valve for their most hidden desires. Thus, the temporary use of the masks allows a spectacular social illusion; People discover how a beautiful dress can turn the slave into a lord, and deceived by this circumstance, they believe they don't have a pattern when they wear a mask. The creativity and fantasy of each one also has free rein with the mask. Change that mask that we wear all year, for one more in line with ourselves. This does not mean that the tendency of the mask to transvestism is only a way to express desires to embody the opposite sex, but also to contribute to a greater climate of mystery and confusion.

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