Brexiteer creates farm where 1,000 people could live in case society crumbles

4 years ago

A tech tycoon who fears the imminent breakdown of British society has created a extraordinary 'survive and thrive' farm where 100 people are able in live safety. Millionaire Peter Dawe, 65, fears that climate change, political unrest and famine poses a real threat to the future of the civilised society in this country. So the former tech entrepreneur has bought 1,500 acre farm in Norfolk and is transforming into a 'self-sustainable' community for like-minded 'survivalists.' Concerned over the "fragility" of society Peter Dawe, 65, created a self-sufficient farm where people can "go off grid" and live off the land if the world as we know it fell apart.
Filmed on 20th October 2019

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