I love like dogs

5 years ago

Dogs aren’t only animals, but also they are close to human being in life. I love dogs, and I want to take care of them every day. Therefore, when I was 13, I saved a little money, and decided to have a Poodle dog. being common pets, they are ranked one of the most beautiful pets in the world.

My dog’s name is Cake, because he looks like a white cake, and I want to bitch him. He is quite small, and he has white and curly hair with beautiful eyes….it looks so cute. Everyday, I usually feed him, and take him to have a bath, and walk in the park every afternoon. My friends really love him so much, and they also want to have one. Feeding pet makes me busy, and enjoys life. When I feel stressed because of study or complaint of my parents, I usually talk to him, and he helps me solve the problems effectively.

For me, Cake isn’t a general dog, but also he is an important part of my life. And you, tell me about your dog!

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