What a funny and surprised expression of this sparrow when his juicy apple falls down.

5 years ago

It’s a paradise for a sparrow in this Elstar apple tree. Lots of choice to select a juicy and delicious apple. He starts eating, but after a few bites the apple falls down. Look at his face! What a funny expression! The sparrow follows the fallen apple and looks dissapointed and surprised. This isn’t what he had expected.
You can find this house sparrow in most parts of the world. This bird is family of the Passeridea. Males have bright black, white and brown markings, while females are coloured pale with smaller brown and grey markings. He lives in urban and rural settings like this one in my backyard. It’s a small bird with a length of around 16cm.
This little fellow had bad luck and his expression when the apple drops down is priceless and funny.

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