Fox Kits Frolic In The Woods Surrounded By Singing Birds

5 years ago

It's really easy to forget that we are not the only living beings living on this planet. We're trapped in our concrete jungles, escaping the scorching heat and the freezing icy winters in the sanctity of our homes. The only contact with the outside world are photographs and videos of animals living freely in the wild. But they are here, we share the same oxygen, we share the food, the water, the ups and downs of the climate changes.

Love for animals has only increased as time has gone on. This day we can see lots of animals, whether it is dogs, cats being the most dominant but also pigs, rabbits, hedgehogs and many more that were previously known as eatables now have become completely domesticated. Mother Nature can surprise us more every day, especially when it comes to the oceans, since nobody knows what is hidden in the depths of some oceans, so the oceans remain a mystery to most people, there are even people that fear the ocean. There are new creatures that are often found at the bottom of the sea and this generates insecurity and panic in some people, although for others it is a historical fact that you should know how to appreciate, since it is something that is not seen every day.

It is necessary that we respect the maritime rules, since they were created mainly for our well-being, often people tend to ignore these rules, but in some cases they tend to be fundamental for survival. In this case, we can see how the people in the container ship are a little scared, but they know how to stay calm, and that is very important. It is always an adventure to come up close and personal with wild animals such as these two wild foxes. It is truly a wonderful encounter when seeing such wild animals share such a beautiful and perfect moment together. We're guessing these guys are siblings and there future is truly looking bright as their love for one another is simply limitless from what we see in this video.

Most people think that the oceans are the biggest mystery on the planet, and that is something that should not be questioned. Nature is a wondrous thing! Check out this pair of fox kits playing with each other on top of their den while the song of birds surrounds them on an idyllic afternoon.

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