Kid Doesn't Understand Concept Of Blowing Out Birthday Candles

4 years ago

You were working to blow on that candle right through your screen, weren't you? Just accept it, we have all been there. There’s nothing wrong with seeking to give this little boy a helping hand since he seems to be in a bit of pain. Nothing that a few years of experience won’t fix. This kid can’t seem to grasp the notion of blowing out a flame from a birthday candle. He believes that maybe if he opens up his eyes as wide as possible. Well, tough luck buddy. It doesn’t work that way. You need to take as much air in as possible, then let it blow out of your lungs to make the magic work. It is essential to teach our kids to give and to teach them to know how important it is to own this feature. However, giving is not just a great way to tell someone you appreciate them, giving someone a gift is a great way to make someone happy, to make someone’s day better!

Birthday celebrations are so much fun! Not many things in this world can get the little kids as excited as their birthday celebrations can. And we all know that one of the best things about birthdays is the moment when you get to blow out all the candles. And the little boy from this video cannot agree! and still crying You just have to check out his cute birthday adventures! You’re in for a treat! As the clip begins, you can see a precious little boy sitting at the table with a little cake in front of him. There are three little candles on the cake which means that this cute boy’s already three years old! How precious is that? While parents singing the Happy Birthday song, kids crying and don't understand the concept of blowing out birthday candles! So adorable!

Little kids think very logically but they also do so based on the knowledge that they have. After his family sings this little boy “Happy Birthday” they push the cake toward him and tell him to blow out the candles. In this little boy’s mind, this means that he thinks that he has to say the word Blow to make the candles go out. So, he leans forward and starts shouting “Blow” at the candles. It doesn’t quite work. he enjoying his birthday but fails to blow out his candles. Epic fail! Simply put, the little boy in this video gets crying Birthday sung to him. The candles are in what appears to be a maple donut bar. After the song is over, the little boy leans forward to blow out the candles.

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