Balt Defense Attorney Indicted On Racketeering, Money Laundering and More

5 years ago

Ravenell, 60, of Monkton, was indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury on federal charges of racketeering conspiracy, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and narcotics conspiracy.

"According to the indictment, Ravenell violated the legitimate and lawful purpose of the law firm where he worked in order to enrich himself and Individual 1 by receiving payments from a drug trafficker client and his associates in exchange for instructing the client and his associates how to evade law enforcement and continue their drug trafficking, laundering drug proceeds, and obstructing justice to protect the client and his associates," the U.S. Attorney's Office said in a statement.

Prosecutors said the indictment alleges Ravenell knowingly protected and assisted co-conspirators in their drug trafficking by coaching co-conspirators about law enforcement techniques so that they could evade these techniques when they trafficked in narcotics.

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