Wild horses will weather Hurricane Dorian

5 years ago

As Hurricane Dorian made landfall over North Carolina, Friday, the wild horses on the Outer Banks haven't evacuated, as many of their human neighbors have.

In fact for 500 years, the horses have hunkered down and survived countless storms with "butts to the wind," a wildlife group says.

"The wild horses are better equipped to handle a hurricane than most of us humans living on the Outer Banks," the Corolla Wild Horse Fund said in a Facebook post. "They go to high ground, under the sturdy live oak trees to ride the storm out."

Where is Dorian? Hurricane makes landfall over North Carolina's Cape Hatteras as Category 1 storm

According to OBXToday.com, about 100 Colonial Spanish Mustangs live on the beaches of Currituck County and have been for hundreds of years. The Corolla Wild Horse Fund works to protect and conserve the herd in the area.

Another group of 100 wild horses are managed by a state park and 50 more by private citizens, the Washington Post reported.

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